Battlefield 2: Australian Forces (中文译名:‎战地2 澳大利亚部队)是一个基于现代战争为游戏背景的战地2游戏MOD作品。




Version 1.01
- Added: F89 Minimi
- Added: Gsid's added for maps
- Added: Highway Tampa map
- Added: Intro video
- Added: Kubaysah Cement Factory Night map
- Added: Night Vision Goggles
- Change: Ability to throw Ammo/Medipacks removed
- Change: Australian soldier face textures changed
- Change: Australian Spec Ops have M203 Grenade Launchers
- Change: Autocannon removed from F111
- Change: Bushmaster armour increased
- Change: Bushmaster less likely to roll
- Change: Carl Gustav/RPG-7 rocket speed/damage increased slightly
- Change: Client Overgrowth ViewDistance reduced on Battle for Termez
- Change: Client Overgrowth ViewDistance reduced on Kubaysah Cement Factory
- Change: Client Overgrowth ViewDistance reduced on Salh Al Abbah
- Change: Crosshairs removed from handweapons
- Change: Damage on Steyr F88 increased
- Change: Enemy nametags removed
- Change: F-111 handling improved
- Change: Grenade reload times increased
- Change: Hit direction replaced with red damage flash
- Change: Improved handling on Civilian pickup
- Change: Improved MRH-90 skin
- Change: Improved Steyr F88 models
- Change: Improved Stinger 3P Zoom animations
- Change: Improvement to Heavy Woodlands camo
- Change: In-vehicle ability radius decreased for Medics, Engineers and Support
- Change: M1A1 texture change
- Change: M1A1 turret turn speed increased
- Change: M4A1 model changed
- Change: M72/RPG-18 firing volume increased
- Change: M72/RPG-18 rocket speed/damage increased slightly
- Change: M72/RPG-18 rounds reduced to 1
- Change: Medikit and Ammo bag affect radius reduced
- Change: Mod made more compatible with Linux servers
- Change: MRH-90 rotor blur mesh raised
- Change: New AK sounds
- Change: New Browning HP sounds
- Change: New Carl Gustav sounds
- Change: New M4A1 sounds
- Change: New Steyr F88 sounds
- Change: New USP sounds
- Change: Recoil on Minimi F89 reduced
- Change: Recoil on Steyr F88 reduced
- Change: Steyr F88 sounds consolidated to conserve memory
- Change: Stinger/SA-7 rounds reduced to 1
- Change: Tiger-ARH rotor volume decreased
- Change: Vehicle drop added to Gulf Of Oman
- Change: Vehicle drop added to Kubra Dam
- Change: Vehicle drop added to Mashtuur_City
- Change: Vehicle drop added to Operation_Clean_Sweep
- Change: Vehicle drop added to Road_To_Jalalabad
- Change: Vehicles removed from Kubaysah Cement Factory map
- Change: Weapon damage increased by approximately 25%
- Change: Zoom readded to M72/RPG18
- Fix: ATV reverse speed lowered
- Fix: Carl Gustav 3P reload sound
- Fix: Change to M1A1 driver camera and HUD
- Fix: F-111 Pilot 1P cockpit appeared black on low settings
- Fix: Installer now creates shortcut on desktop
- Fix: Resolved EnvMap issue with Al Asad Night
- Fix: Resolved issue with Civilian Pickup appearing with 3 wheels
- Fix: Resolved issue with 'dump and burn' on F111
- Fix: Resolved player exit issue on F-111
- Fix: Resolved player exit issue on MEC Technical
- Fix: Resolved right rear wheel LOD displacement on Civilian pickup
- Fix: Stock map files recompressed
- Fix: Ticket bleed on Al Asad Airfield 32 player
- Fix: Vehicle drop crash on Kubaysah Cement Factory
- Fix: Vehicle drop crash on Salh Al Abbah
- Fix: Wrong wreck texture on Civilian pickup

A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to making Australian Forces 1.01 - it has been a long time between drinks.
